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Networking means information and views sharing between people with similar professional activity or particular interests. Usually, it contemplates informal settings. Networking process frequently starts from finding points of contact.

Specialists apply networking, in order to widen the acquaintance circle, learn the employment opportunities, as well as to raise the awareness, regarding the news and potentials of a chosen sphere. 

The key networking features are:

  • long-term contacts (the longer communication is, the more reliable the basis for contact would be);
  • consistency (maintaining acquaintance is more valuable than establishing a new one);
  • loyalty (no person will give a recommendation to the individual they mistrust);
  • reciprocity (in order to receive a benefit, it is necessary to give a favor back);
  • processuality (the network is constantly transforming, therefore it constantly requires its members’ activity).

Operating principle of Networking

Individuals accede to networking groups, relying on a common interest. The most evident one is a qualification ground. Cases in study may also include traveling, health and other spheres of life. 

Skilled specialists have a chance to establish relations at workshops, practical courses, business breakfasts and conferences. All the mentioned examples are arranged for gathering a bunch of interested parties. 

In addition, the networking process helps specialists to be well-informed and keep up with the latest trends of the industry. Entrepreneurs are able to widen their network of contacts and improve business prospects, while other individuals have the possibility to find a new job. 

Therefore, the more acquaintances people have, the more opportunities there are. For instance, a designer met the manager of a major brand at a conference. They have discussed the industry and its common problems, and exchanged contacts. A few weeks later, the manager invited the designer to work on a new project as he liked his approach to clients.

Note: Entrepreneurs usually can incorporate a chamber of commerce for propagating their commercial values. Entering the chamber means a presence of particular advantages, such as getting discounts from other participants, along with influencing the policy connected with business operations. 

Origin of a concept

A networking principle is based on the six degrees of separation created by Stanley Milgram and Geoffrey Travers. The essence of this theory is simple: everyone is indirectly familiar with other inhabitants of the planet through a chain of mutual acquaintances. As a consequence, by expanding the professional circle, the possibility of new contacts increases exponentially. 

Types of Networking

Usually, a networking process is divided into three categories, depending on the model of human behavior:

  1. Positive. A person is trying to provide a service in order to build a strong relationship with an emphasis on promising communication. The term indicates a purity and sincerity of intentions. Building relationships is based on a desire to help another individual through the presented opportunities.
  2. Negative. This approach is often compared to covert manipulation. People strive to acquire useful connections, initially calculating options for managing the capabilities of a new acquaintance. A mentioned form of networking is seen as the simplest, but relationships created according to this principle, as a rule, are short-lived.
  3. Mixed. The type combines all the characteristics of positive and negative versions. A situation defines the predominance of the side. 

Web-based Networking

Professional social networks are considered an important tool for establishing contacts in various industries. For instance, LinkedIn presents an online platform for social and professional interaction. Users can place their CVs for prospective employers, connect with specialists of a certain domain and even start a blog. 

Nowadays social networking may be a good assistant in elaborating a business-to-business segment (B2B). So that professionals are able to post about their experience and communicate with opinion allies. 

As stated above, LinkedIn is known as the largest networking site for specialists. Of course, there exists a number of other professional websites, such as Meetup, Xing, AngelList, Bark, etc. 

Networking mistakes to avoid

There is no doubt that a networking process touches upon particular professional qualities. Thus, some individuals make mistakes while establishing contacts.

Let’s consider the most common fails in networking:

  • Don't sell ideas right away and be overly intrusive. It repels people and spoils the whole impression. The advice is to listen to the interlocutors more carefully.
  • Don't seek help immediately. At the beginning, a person should establish strong trusting relationships.
  • Don't try to appear better than you are. Lies will be revealed sooner or later, while the reputation will remain tarnished forever.
  • Don’t enter into personal financial relationships with new acquaintances. Lending money to a stranger, or acting as a trustor is a bad idea, as there are no security guarantees .
  • Don't recall verbal agreements twice. It is better if the terms of a contract are mentioned only once.
  • Don’t spread false statements. In case the data isn’t confirmed, a person shouldn’t pass on information to third parties. These actions may cause a disruptive impact on the personal standing and reputation.