New Home Sales

The indicator estimates the volume of sales of new homes in absolute monetary terms for the reporting period. To calculate the indicator, only new single-family homes are taken to consideration which means that apartment buildings are not included into consideration. An increase in new home sales signals a rebounding of the real estate market.

Elena Berseneva 28 June 2022 728
Elena Berseneva 28 June 2022 Fundamental analysis 728

Does the Trading Signal Work Based on the Forecast Value?

Fundamental analysis
In this article, we will talk about the economic calendar and determine what is better to rely on when making a decision to open deals: forecasts or previous values of indicators.
Elena Berseneva 10 June 2022 846
Elena Berseneva 10 June 2022 Fundamental analysis 846

Is Trading on Rollbacks Effective? Part 1. USA

Fundamental analysis
The presented to your attention article opens a series of articles on trading on price rollbacks related to the publication of economic indicators. These articles will contain a unified analysis methodology, but the subject of consideration will be various economic indicators of the main economies of the world.