Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is based on establishing the influence of various geopolitical and macroeconomic factors and processes on prices of financial assets.
New Popular
Stock Indices: Time for the Turn-of-the-Month Effect!
24 August 2022 702
Stock market ignored Christmas rally
29 December 2022 265
DX sell
The dollar may accelerate its decline
27 December 2022 258
29 December 2022 248
Stock market may still have time to rise by the end of the year
23 December 2022 243
DX sell
Reuters: BOJ’s policy shift will decrease the demand for dollar
21 December 2022 242
Bloomberg: Policy of central banks turned out to be more aggressive than the market forecast
19 December 2022 249
DX buy
Bloomberg: Fed’s forecasts proved to be hawkish, positive news for the U.S. dollar
15 December 2022 253
DJIA buy
August begins: we are waiting for DJIA growth!
02 August 2022 563
Bloomberg: Japan stocks might fall after recent rally
02 December 2022 292
UK100 sell
Bank of England desperately attempts to save its financial market
29 September 2022 393
The Fed is slowly reversing
01 December 2022 257
Bloomberg: S&P might end 2022 on a high note
12 December 2022 215
Bloomberg: The year-end is expected to be bullish for stock markets!
05 December 2022 241
Morgan Stanley notes Japanese Stocks being resilient amid economic downturn
08 September 2022 368
FOXBusiness: Long-term holding of high Fed rates may negatively affect the stock market
14 December 2022 205
Bloomberg: Fed rate forecasts on Wednesday can reverse the market
13 December 2022 198
Macroeconomics and seasonality are not on the CAC40 side
01 September 2022 376
DX buy
Bloomberg: dollar funding costs are increasing
06 December 2022 219
Bloomberg: Norwegian $1,3 trillion wealth fund bets against the market
09 December 2022 205